The Chandrapur Forest Academy's Training Calendar for 2024-2025 offers a comprehensive range of training programs designed to develop the skills and expertise of forest officers at various levels. The academy conducts both long-term and short-term training batches tailored to meet the specific needs of different roles within the forestry sector.

Key batches include induction training programs for Range Forest Officers (RFOs), Foresters, and Forest Guards, equipping officers with the necessary knowledge and skills required for effective forest management and conservation. Additionally, Chandrapur Forest Academy is also a Regional Administrative Training Institute (RATI) and District Administrative Training Institute(DATI), specialized training are conducted to enhance the administrative and technical capabilities of the participants.

The academy's calendar features a mix of long-term courses, offering in-depth training over several months, and short-term batches focusing on specific topics or skills. These programs are essential for both newly recruited officers and in-service personnel seeking to update their knowledge with the latest developments in forestry practices.